Potatoes are an incredibly versatile starchy tuberous plant. And mashed with cannabis is the best way! Potatoes are delicious and nutritious. In addition, they’re also a simple-to-prepare...
Settle in for a meal of homemade pizza. With a prebaked crust and simple Alfredo sauce, it’s easy and delicious. Have you tried chicken alfredo in...
Hiding the taste of cannabutter is difficult, however, we found tacos are great for covering its powerful taste. Tacos are a great party food, and way...
This cinnamon-scented pull-apart is an ooey-gooey mess of a dessert! This pull-apart cinnamon monkey bread is so moist, delicious, and easy to prepare : ) It’s great...
This cake is so moist. Enjoy it with a delicious cup of tea or coffee in the morning. Savour a classic! A nut and spice filling...
Ready to branch out into another candy territory? Break out the almonds and maple syrup! Sweet coconut butter, crunchy almosts, and rich, buttery toffee – what’s...
This easy recipe is loaded with yummy flavor and you can make it in a hurry with just a few simple ingredients. This recipe is incredibly...
We just gave you a way to make fried chicken even more lit than it already is. If you suddenly find yourself with an unstoppable craving...
Salads are one of the healthiest meals we can consume. For medical marijuana users who are health conscious, salad is the perfect meal. Vegetables, by most...
Easy and delicious, this recipe works great with fresh or canned pumpkin puree. It may not be the season, but everyone loves pumpkin pie. And why...
Everyone remembers the pudding Snackpacks that we all used to love in our lunch boxes. And now there is an adult version! What if there was...